Andrew and Philippa Sinclair - Serving with OM in the UK

Philippa and Andrew Sinclair have served with OM for over 30 years, each spending 19 years with OM’s Ship Ministry, most recently in Germany, before they returned to the UK in 2004.

Philippa has been the Personnel Administrator since 2006.  She works in many areas of administration for the personnel department, handling initial enquiries from those wanting to know more about joining OM and processing their applications.

Andrew now leads the Partner Journey Team. The Purpose of the Partner Journey is to ensure that we esteem and care for all our partners at all points of their walk with OM. 

The team is involved in the following areas:

  • Handling general enquiries and requests for subscriptions from new and existing partners
  • The Church Support Team which helps to maintain and develop links with churches in the UK
  • Overseeing the Alumni programme for those from the UK who have served with OM
  • Managing a network of Ambassadors and other teams who promote the work of OM in the UK
  • Overseeing online fundraising and enquiries about fundraising, including events and initiatives

As long-term workers with Operation Mobilisation, Andrew and Philippa need to raise financial support for their ministry. They are always looking for more people to become part of their support team.

Please consider joining our team of supporters, either by giving a one-off donation or setting up a regular Direct Debit. Regular monthly gifts (from £10-£100) would enable better planning of resources.

Thank you for your support for the Sinclairs