Around 6th August 2024, I will be joining the Doulos Hope which is a ship ministry run by Operation Mobilisation (OM,) for two years.
God has been preparing me for mission since 2019, since George Verwer came and spoke at my church.
I am excited that it's coming into fruition and looking forward to share my journey with all of you.

A verse that inspires me is: Romans 10:13-14

What is Doulos Hope's Mission?

The mission of Doulos Hope is to share Knowledge, Help and Hope around South East Asia, supplying books, encouragement and cultural events, and also connecting on a personal level and introducing the Gospel when it is safe to do so.

What will I be doing? 

  • I will be helping Doulos Hope's ministry by either working in the book fair, catering or cleaning teams on board.
  • While docked we will be visiting local churches and communities and generally being a witness for Jesus.
  • While on mission I will be interacting with people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures in South East Asia.
  • You can find more videos on the Doulos Hope Youtube Channel:

How long will I be going for? 

  • I will be on Doulos Hope for 2 years. 
  • Doing volunteer work for 8hrs a day for 6 days a week.

Want to know how to pray and receive general updates? Please do Email me: [email protected]

Want to help support me?

It's with great thanks that you have decided to donate to me as I embark on this journey. You can either do a one-time-donation or pledge a monthly donation. All gifts through this page are for my personal support and go directly to OM's bank under my name. 

Many Thanks & God Bless

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