Written by Amy Starritt

The news has never been more instantly accessible. With a couple of clicks or the ping of your phone’s notifications, the news can immediately be in our pockets before our eyes and permeate our thoughts.

When the news is positive, this can be inspiring - an enormous amount of money raised for charity, a community drawing together after a tragedy or the news of a simple act of kindness. It can remind us of our shared humanity and appreciate the similarities and celebrate the diversity between us.

However, if your news feed has been anything like mine recently, there seems to be an endless stream of destruction and despair. Anger, annihilation and abuse overwhelmingly dominate the headlines. It can seem like there is no relief to this brokenness. When we place our hope in this world, it disappoints us continually. Whereas if we place our hope in God, the creator and sustainer of everything, we will experience a radical shift in perspective. I am not suggesting that a relationship with God will instantly eradicate all suffering, pain, and confusion, these are inherent to the sinful world that we live in. However, a relationship in God will provide a freedom, peace and comfort that transcends all understanding. It is this God-given hope that provides an anchor throughout suffering.

Psalm 42:11: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour, and my God.”

In this Psalm David recognises that his soul is troubled. He recognises the fragility of humanity and that something more is needed. David’s answer is to hope in the Lord. ((((Delete? - Matthew Henry’s commentary puts it that “David had communed with his own heart about its bitterness and had not as yet found relief; and therefore, he turns to God, and opens before Him the trouble.”))) David does not conclude this verse with full resolution, he does not say that faith casts out all suffering, but he does show that by trusting in God we can have a hope that nothing in this world can provide.


3 ways we can respond to the news in light of God-given hope:

  1. Prayer – Next time that you read a story of bitterness or hatred, pray. Pray for the individuals involved, for their families and for an end to their suffering. Pray that they will feel God’s comfort and that they will find a lasting hope in Him amidst difficult circumstances.

     2. Thank God that He draws near to people in all circumstances God is at work and God is not limited by our human understanding. Our God is a personal God who draws alongside us in both the good times and the difficult times. Oksana, an OM team member who fled Ukraine because of the war, helps organise a support group for women impacted by conflict. She states that “one woman explained she is thankful that we’ve encouraged her openly to trust God, otherwise she cannot imagine how she would keep going, given her circumstances.”

     3. Perseverance – Non-Christians often use human suffering as “evidence” of the absence of God. Please pray for opportunities to tell others of the presence of our God within difficult circumstances.

In 1 Peter 3 verse 15 it is written “but in your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness”.

We pray that this verse will be at the forefront of our minds and that we will be strengthened by God to share our faith humbly, sensitively and with love.




OM Blog - “Offering hope in ongoing uncertainty.”

Matthew Henry - “Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible.”