Michelle’s journey with Japan started 30 years ago when her interest in Japanese culture led her to pick up the language.

“I wasn’t even a Christian then!” she exclaimed. “Then I got to know of Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru) a year after I became a Christian and joined them for a short mission trip to Japan. That’s where I saw that the churches here are so small, filled with ageing folk. In comparison, our churches back in Singapore are so vibrant.”

Since that first trip in 1998, Michelle always wanted to go back to serve in Japan. Yet, in God’s timing, she had to wait another 12 years before returning. 

After arriving in Japan in 2013, her mission journey seemed rather random. It began with her serving at a church café in Kanazawa, where she helped cook, wash dishes and serve customers. It proved to be a very useful platform for outreach.

Michelle frequently befriended customers and invited them to church. On Friday evenings, the café served as a cosy meet-up spot for adults to practise speaking English  with Michelle and her fellow workers. On Saturdays, she helped with English outreach to  children and their accompanying parents. Come Sunday, the café was used for church  services. “It was just a small café, but people enjoyed the friendly atmosphere,” she  recalled.

For the next three years, Michelle served as a local volunteer tour guide in Wajima,  providing tourists with information in English or Chinese about famous tourist spots,  popular souvenirs, transportation and accommodation. She also held English Bible-  reading sessions with a few ladies at her home, some of whom did not know who Jesus  was.

“I made friends with many locals and still keep in touch with them. I was able to share the  gospel and tell them about the local church.”

Later on, Michelle found herself involved in planting a church in Yokohama. She relished  the challenge of starting new ministries in the church and shared how outreach opportunities were even more plentiful during her time there.

“Because of the international crowd here, Japanese people (in the city) tend to be more open, sometimes even visiting churches for networking and to practise speaking English.

"Some of them sleep on the floor of the underpasses of train stations. We cook simple onigiri or rice balls and soup for them. During winter, we distribute socks to keep them warm. These are the little steps we can take for the least in our city,” Michelle said.

“I pray that there will be a revelation among the churches here, that they will be encouraged by the biblical message of inviting more people to confess Jesus is Christ and be saved (Romans 10:9). Sometimes I feel there isn’t much breakthrough in my ministry, even though I have been here for so long,” she shared.

“I try not to let it stop me from loving them and sharing God’s love with them. They need to hear the gospel — that’s my responsibility.”

*name changed